We are moving: www.seekingourgod.com

We have some exciting news. our site is officially moving to www.seekingourgod.com. This site and its history will remain open. It will cost too much to have this redirected, so this post will be the last on this site. All new posts will be on the new site.

Over the past few weeks, we have become aware that there have been some inappropriate ads running on this site. Because this is a free wordpress.org blog, I do not have control over what is shown or not shown. Moving to a new site, we hope to have more control or allowance of what is displayed.

Also, many of you have made comments or asked us questions and we have never been alerted to those comments/questions. For never responding, we apologize. We just never knew you were reaching out to us.

Moving to a new site also allows us to move into our new format which will be a podcast. we will still post the transcript on the new site but will focus more on the podcasting aspects. Also, I am still working through my old papers and files to post and share with others, so look for those too.

So please go to the new site and subscribe. Also, look for two of my soon-to-be-released books at Amazon: “God, Fatherhood, and Male Postpartum Depression” and my children’s book, “The Alphabet of the Gospel.”